Eagle Creek

Volunteer Fire Department 

Department Policies


Contact Us

The Eagle Creek Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors have adopted the following policies:


Dues for 2014 are $40.00 per residential home and $40.00 for each commercial business.  Residents and businesses that have paid their dues for the current calendar year will not be charged for services rendered by the fire department.  The department however reserves the right to bill your insurance company for our services.

The following rate schedule is in effect for residents and businesses that are not members of the fire department.

Service                                             Fee *

Structure Fire - Residential        $  500.00
Structure Fire - Commercial       $ 1000.00
Woods Fire                                  $ 125.00
Vehicle Fire                                 $ 150.00

Medical Calls                               No Charge

* The fire department reserves the right to adjust the above rate based on the resources required to mitigate the incident.

Pool filling service:

The Fire Department can help you fill your pool.  You must be a member of the fire department to use this service.  Before approaching the fire department, you must receive approval from Jackson Gap Water Authority in writing.  All charges for water are your responsibility and must be paid to Jackson Gap Water Authority.  The department requires a donation of $40.00 for each load of water with a $50.00 minimum.  Please let us know 2 weeks in advance that you want this service.

Note:  The water we deliver may be stained red.  Although we have a stainless steel tank in our tanker, the process of filling our tanker with water from a hydrant flushes out all of the deposits in the water line.  The fire department in no way assumes any liability for the quality of water delivered.



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This page was last updated on April 10, 2014 .

Copyright 2003, Eagle Creek Volunteer Fire Department